Creativity Directorate, Ministry of Culture


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Direktorat za ustvarjalnost, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
Maistrova 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 369 5900

The Creativity Directorate in the frame of the Ministry of Culture consists of the Sector for Arts, the Sector for Status Affairs and the Sector for Statistics and Analyses. The Sector for Arts covers the following areas: performing arts, musical arts, visual arts, architecture and design and new media art (intermedia arts).


All public state cultural institutions, for instance theatre houses, are required to present their programmes to the Ministry, which then decides on their annual subsidy according to the annual budget.

For non-governmental organisations working in the field of performing arts, musical arts, visual arts, architecture and design or new media art, the Creativity Directorate prepares every four years the call for public cultural programmes. Thus for the period 2014–2017 the 32 organisations have been selected for the programme support (12 organisations from the field of music, 8 performing arts organisations, 7 organisations engaged in architecture, design or visual arts, and 5 organisations from the field of intermedia (new media art). The ministry announces also a call for a 2-year support for cultural projects and an annual project call for smaller producers or individuals. There are also some additional special public calls, e.g. for the cultural and creative industries.

Funding related to literature and publishing has been performed by the Slovenian Book Agency, while the national cultural programme in the sphere of film is implemented by the Slovenian Film Centre.

As the Creativity Directorate should ensure accessibility to thorough information on the arts in Slovenia, it funds the SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre, the - Slovene theatre portal, while the portal for international cooperation falls under the Office for European Affairs and International Cooperation and Digitisation Programme.

Other tasks

The directorate is responsible also for the procedures related to scholarships and social instruments (self-employment, recognised and exceptional pensions) in the area of culture, implemented by the Sector for Status Affairs. The Sector for Statistics and Analyses prepares comparative analyses for the Ministry.

The Creativity Directorate coordinates the work of the Prešeren Fund Secretariat, which confers annual Prešeren Award and Prešeren Foundation Awards.

See also

External link

Direktorat za ustvarjalnost, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
Direktorat za ustvarjalnost, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maistrova 10 +
The Creativity Directorate in the frame of the Ministry of Culture consists of the Sector for Arts, the Sector for Status Affairs and the Sector for Statistics and Analyses. +
The Creativity Directorate in the frame of the Ministry of Culture consists of the Sector for Arts, the Sector for Status Affairs and the Sector for Statistics and Analyses. +
+386 / 1 369 5900 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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